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I am currently in my final year of my Bachelor of Design (Interaction) degree at the Queensland University of Technology, and I am passionate about creating digital experiences that are helpful, seamless, and engaging.



I have experience working as a medical secretary, where I collaborate with others to facilitate a smooth and positive healthcare experience for both doctors and their patients. Part of this role includes understanding patients’ needs and finding solutions to help them overcome any barriers they face during their treatment. Through this role, I can tangibly improve the lives of others. Through interaction design, I can integrate this desire with my passions for technology and fun.



As interaction designers, I believe our role is to improve people’s lives by utilising the opportunities provided by technology. As a designer, my goal is to use my skills to help create products that benefit others and make their lives easier and more enjoyable. I want to utilise research and analysis to help empathise with user needs and identify how I can use my skills and expertise to empower them to achieve their goals.

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Bachelor of Design (Interaction)
Queensland University of Technology


Proficient in: Figma, HTML, CSS, user research, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, mood boards, storyboarding, wireframing, AutoMaya, Blender



Feel free to contact me for future work and partnerships

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